Cet Agilia Injectomat MC est un excellent pousse-seringue autonome.
Langue: français
Cet Agilia Injectomat MC est un excellent pousse-seringue autonome.
Langue: français
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SKU: Z018130G
Catégories: Seringues et pompes à perfusion
Mots clés: Fresenius, Refurbished
États: Refurbished
Injectomat® Agilia MC est un pousse-seringue robuste conçu pour l’administration intraveineuse (IV) de médicaments.
Il est facile à utiliser, intuitif et rapide à apprendre grâce aux écrans interactifs et clairs. La protection du poussoir assure la sécurité de la pompe en cas de chute.
L’appareil est très polyvalent : il offre de nombreuses options de seringues et fonctions de perfusion différentes.
Langue : anglais
Cet appareil a été reconditionné et minutieusement contrôlé par nos techniciens spécialisés afin de pouvoir vous être proposé à un bon prix.
Dans cette vidéo, quelqu’un explique l’utilisation du pousse-seringue Fresenius Kabi – Agilia Injectomat MC.
After our Lifepak CR + could not be repaired anywhere, and our Lifepak Express could no longer be made ready for use after being deployed because it would be too old, DIAC Medical helped us with an excellent service. They have made and tested the two AEDs, are working well and have since been re-deployed within our working area. DIAC Team, thanks for your help! Definitely recommended to our partners, and to everyone who reads this
Excellent service, wide variety of products and very quick delivery.
Excellent service and very fast response to queries. They couldn't be more helpful! Highly recommend their services.
I have known DIAC for 7 years and have always enjoyed it. Serious, reliable and unmatched quality.
Very friendly support and very good opinion of the seller regarding our wishes.