WEINMANN Meducore Standard (Refurbished)

SKU: WM45000G
Categories: Defibrillators
Tags: Lifepak

Premium quality

Extensive stock

Experts in business

Product description

The Weinmann Meducore Standard is a biphasic defibrillator with SpO2 measurement, 6-lead ECG and with module CPAP.

This device can be combined with the Weinmann Medumat ventilators.

The Weinmann Meducore Standard:

  • Will be delivered including: sidepouches, all cables, defibrillation electrodes, battery, test report and servicing.
  • Hard Paddles are not included.

Product video

This video shows a reanimation with the defibrillator MEDCORE Standard and the ventilator MEDUMAT Standard².

WEINMANN Meducore Standard (Refurbished)

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR with MEDUCORE Standard and MEDUMAT Standard²


Premium quality

Extensive stock

Experts in business